• Design project conducted alongside Eric Kogut, Geena Nackan, Sanah Pallithotungal and Peter Vander Sterre.
• Collaborated to succeed in design project A ( 1st of 11 teams in studio).
• Consecutively proved team collaboration success with 3rd out of 110 teams in design project B showcase.
• Designed and built a fluid model of circuit for a design project with the aim to build an instructional learning aid.
• Effectively created  interactive GUI to adjust pump and read sensor readings using Arduino, serial communication, transistor circuit and PWM.
• Quickly and effectively learned many key Solid Works features including making assemblies, drawings and revolved parts.
• Budgeted system, sourced parts and created documentation as a team to develop a cost effective solution.
Finished Product
Finished Product
Sanah, Eric and Peter (left to right)
Sanah, Eric and Peter (left to right)
GUI on 16x2 LCD with animations and custom(non ASCII) characters
GUI on 16x2 LCD with animations and custom(non ASCII) characters
Basic Solid Works Assembly
Basic Solid Works Assembly
triple Parallel connection
triple Parallel connection
Construction process
Construction process
The Process Includes Trial and Error
The Process Includes Trial and Error
Flow meter and Mini Generator
Flow meter and Mini Generator
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